
Norwegian Parliament Hit by Email Hack

Against email hackers, no one should really consider themselves 100% “safe”. This is a lesson several Norwegian Parliament employees and parliament members learned the hard way after the Stortinget suffered an email cyber attack in late August. That several Parliament email accounts at the stortinget.no address were hacked confirmed the Parliament’s President Tone Wilhemsen Trøen, […]

November 30, 2023

What is a DNS Attack? What are the Most Dangerous DNS Attacks and How to Protect Against Them?

The Internet as we know it simply wouldn’t function without its vital part – DNS. Unfortunately, DNS has its vulnerabilities. An attack in which the hacker exploits DNS vulnerabilities is called a DNS attack and in this article we are going to explore some of the most common DNS attacks, why they happen and how […]

The Only Anonymous Payment Resources You Will Ever Need?

If you’re like 69% of Americans, you probably bought something online at least once. There are a lot of convenient ways to pay online but have you ever stopped to consider the risks of revealing your identity and credit card info so freely? Luckily, these risks can be mitigated through anonymous payment. In this article, we […]

What is the Safest Email Service for Online Business?

Even though there are plenty of ways to communicate online, for most businesses email remains the number one communication tool even in 2020. However, the more emails you receive and open, the greater the chance of something with malware attached it is to slip by. Because of this, you need to find the safest email […]

ISP Selling Data Bill – Why Should You Care About it?

When we talk about online privacy, it’s usually to criticize tech giants like Google, Apple, Amazon, or Facebook for the way they collect their users’ data and then make money selling it without consent.  But they are not the only ones you should be concerned about. Your ISP could also be selling your data and, […]

How to Choose the Best Email Security Solutions for Your Business

While there are plenty of different ways to communicate online, including chat, VoIP monitoring, text, social media and so on, for businesses, even 50 years after it first came to the scene, email remains the number one online communication tool. Today, however, in 2020, we are faced with much more online threats than were around […]

What are the Best Anti-Phishing Solutions You can Use to Protect Your Email?

Phishing is a very common and often expensive problem that every email owner encounters at least once. However, it gets even worse for business email accounts. According to Cybint’s 15 Alarming Cyber Security Facts and Stats report, as many as 62% of companies have experienced a phishing attack at least once. Phishing, unfortunately, isn’t just one technique. […]

Why Your Organization Needs a Free Secure Email Account?

Does your company have a free secure email account, or are you risking your organization’s and your customer’s valuable information? Although we have seen in the recent few years organizations communicate both internally and externally in many different ways, including video calls, chat rooms, audio conferencing and so on, email remains the most popular method. That’s even […]

What is the Most Secure Web Browser You Should Look at in 2021?

Your web browser can tell a lot about you, including: All of this information can be collected – and even exploited – by third parties like advertisers, government agencies, even hackers. This is why it’s time to start thinking about safeguarding your online privacy better. Well, you’ve come to the right place as we are […]

How to Send Encrypted Email for Free?

In theory, an email message is a private correspondence between a sender and a recipient. In practice, it passes beneath a lot of eyes between those two and a lot of those eyes are more than curious about what’s in the email. Because of this, you need to use the best free encrypted email service […]

Why Backdoor Encryption is a Terrible Idea?

Does the term “backdoor encryption” bring a feeling of extra security or fear into your mind? Perhaps you are 100% pro-government (doesn’t have to be “this” government) and think they have every right to snoop into your private data, but if you are like most and are concerned about your privacy, you’ll probably flinch at […]

What to Do if Your Information is Found on the Dark Web?

The biggest problem when someone steals your data on the Internet isn’t that they might take all the money from your credit card and then leave it. If that were the case, it wouldn’t be that much of a big deal. The real problem is what they do with your data after. Namely, hackers can […]

The Best Free Way to Send a Secure Email

The need to send secure email has never been greater than today. The last year has showed us why we need email encryption now more than ever. The Covid-19 pandemic, racial and police brutality protests in the United States and most recently the presidential elections in the US have all reminded us just how important […]

Choosing the Best Privacy Browser for 2021

A web browser is like your personal chauffeur on the Internet. It will take you to any website you want (as long as it exists and is working) in mere seconds. Without it, getting around the Internet would be very difficult, if not impossible. But a web browser also keeps tabs on you. It remembers […]

4 Email Attack Types You Should Get Ready for in 2021

We can all agree that 2020 wasn’t the best year and that we all want to forget it as quickly as possible. But surely, 2021 can only be better, right? Well, it could be or it might not be. A lot of things in 2020 hit us completely unawares, like the Covid-19. But while we […]

How to Protect From an Email-Based Phishing Attack?

You probably received at least once an email like this: “Your account will soon be disabled for security reasons, please confirm your identity to continue using it.”, followed by a link you’re supposed to go to that would lead you to the website where you could “confirm your identity” and continue using the account. I […]

Why a Pseudonym Won’t be Enough to Keep You Anonymous Online?

What is the first thing you think of when you want to be anonymous online? It’s probably using some kind of a fake name or a pseudonym. After all, this was a tried and tested method used for centuries by writers who, for one reason or another, didn’t want their real name known when publishing […]

21 Email Security Best Practice You Need to Follow in 2021

For most organizations, email is still the number one communication channel, even though a lot of them have in recent times moved to chat and VoIP. This only means that, in 2021, email security is still something to pay close attention to. In this article, we’ll show you some tips and email security tips and […]

German Court Strong-arms Privacy Email Provider Tutanota to Help Monitor Mailboxes

In a ruling from November, the Cologne Regional Court had pressured the privacy email provider Tutanota to integrate a function that would allow investigators to read emails in plain text and monitor mailboxes. As such, Tutanota must now develop what is essentially a backdoor that would enable the police to monitor a mailbox by the end of […]

How to Save Yourself from Different Types of Malware?

What are different types of malware: Here are the 10 most common types of malware your device can get infected with: What is a RAT malware email? A RAT malware email, or Remote Access Trojan is a type of trojan that allows the cybercriminal to remotely monitor and control the user’s computer. Can you get […]