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Why are your paid plans expensive?

March 14, 2022 Topics: Billing.

Why the Price?

  1. We are the most secure email service based on an analysis of security features. The price of our service reflects what we deliver to our users.
  2. As we are self-funded, we have no choice except to charge users the real cost of encrypted email because we can not reduce the cost with government financing.

Your data is saved on Icelandic servers, this puts your data within Icelandic privacy laws which is the best location in the world for your data. Read more about the protection Iceland offers. Because we use physical servers in Iceland we are not able to reduce our price using cheap cloud storage.  We feel this is necessary so our users can be certain what laws apply to their data.

If you like our work and would like to help keep our lights on, please consider paying for a membership. If you can’t afford our membership, we are still happy and honored to have you here.

CTemplar is Self-funded

Providing an encrypted email service costs money. Some companies like Gmail and Yahoo provide free email services because they collect and sell your personal information. We are the only self-funded encrypted email that will never accept corporate or government funding.  Our service costs more money because we can not decrease the cost with government or outside investment. We feel it is important that your email service always be separate from your Government.

Concerns About Financing

If a government or company had financial control over CTemplar, we would have to comply with their explicit demands. Governments want something in return for their investment and your personal data is very valuable to them. In fact, any encrypted email service fails in its mission, if it isn’t independently financed.

CTemplar is the only “End to End Encrypted” email service not funded by the EU or US Government.